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Student XII IPA
31. We conclud that the writer forgot to send the form because he.......... a. Misplaced the form b. Did not know the deadline to send the form C. Had to take an examination d. Was busy doing the examination e. Did not ralize that the form was important 
Bandung, October 30, 2015. University of Cambridge International Examination Cambridge Assessment DC 10 Hill Farm Road Whittlesford Cambridge CB2 4FZ, England Dear Sir/Madam I would like to apologize for sending the Forecast Grade form of our CIE candidate very late. I have overlooked the deadline to send this form. I had been so absorbed in carrying out the examination that we forgot to send the forecast gradeform in October. Actually, I had been trying to send the forecast Garade using Cameo program, but I failed to install it. I couldn't find the location of Cameo in Direct CIE as recommended when installing it. We are really sorry for this inconvenience. I promise not to make this mistake again in the future. Thank you very much Faithfully yours, Nani Herawaci
31. We conclud that the writer forgot to send the form because he.......... a. Misplaced the form b. Did not know the deadline to send the form C. Had to take an examination d. Was busy doing the examination e. Did not ralize that the form was important 
Bandung, October 30, 2015. University of Cambridge International Examination Cambridge Assessment DC 10 Hill Farm Road Whittlesford Cambridge CB2 4FZ, England Dear Sir/Madam I would like to apologize for sending the Forecast Grade form of our CIE candidate very late. I have overlooked the deadline to send this form. I had been so absorbed in carrying out the examination that we forgot to send the forecast gradeform in October. Actually, I had been trying to send the forecast Garade using Cameo program, but I failed to install it. I couldn't find the location of Cameo in Direct CIE as recommended when installing it. We are really sorry for this inconvenience. I promise not to make this mistake again in the future. Thank you very much Faithfully yours, Nani Herawaci
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Marlin Agustina Marpaung
Rockstar Teacher GURU SMA
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