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Student KULIAH
Alternative energy sources are becoming increasingly attractive as the energy crisis be- comes more severe. Solar heating systems, which use the sun's radiation as a source of energy, are a promising alternative energy source. Nuclear power plants are already in operation in several parts of the country. The government and sev- eral private industries are even investigating the possibility of capturing the power of ocean waves and tides for conversion into usable en- ergy. Coal is once again becoming an acceptable fuel as the nation searches for solutions to the energy shortage. Even garbage is seen as a po- tential source of energy. In some communities, garbage is burned to heat buildings and light city streets. The main information of the text is about .... (A) the interest in alternative energy sources (B) potential solar heating systems (C) the operation of nuclear power plants (D) the search for energy from the sea (E) the use of coal to replace oil
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Tesalonika Pramesti Leonida
Student XII IPA
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