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Tesalonika Pramesti Leonida
Student XII IPA
The following text is for number 16 to 20 Surabaya, Februari, 15 2017 To: Human Resources Department Bruch and Bed Restaurant Jalan Pembangunan Baru no. 90 Surabaya Dear Sir/Madam I have read a job vacancy advertisement in Surabaya Post that Bruch and Bed Restaurant is looking for employess to be placed in several different positions. Based on the advertisement and my educational backgraound, I am interested in applying for the position of Head of Kitchen Manager. My name is Sarah Lee Purnama. I am 30 years old. I have graduated from Alexander Green Internasional Culinary School Jakarta in July 2010. I consider myself that I have the proper qualification for the head of kichen manager position that your restaurant want. Besides of the suitable educational background, I have a good motivation for progress and development as well. I am excellent at team leading, working with team, and work individually. I am an eager learner with huge passion in culinary world. I possess excellent computer skills and I can communicate in several other languages beside Indonesia. I can speak and write fluently in English, Mandarin, and French. With my qualifications, I am sure that I will be able to contribute effectively to your company. I enclose herewith: - Copy Bachelor (S-1) Certificates and Academic Transcripts - Curriculum Vitae - Recent photograph in 4x6 Thank you for the attention and I am looking forward to hearing for you as well as looking forward to join and work in you company. Sincerely, Sarah Lee P 4 16. What is the capability of the writer? 17. Where does the writer want to apply the job? 18. When did the writer graduate from his school?
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Nabila Nida
Student XII IPA
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