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Student KULIAH
Exercises 1. Fill in the blanks with the simple present form of the verbs listed above. (read, study, drive, eat, prosecute, work, practice, watch) Example: I read the newspaper every day. a. You frequently your car to the court on Thursdays. b. We _law together every evening. c. They always legal cases in the provincial courts. d. We _law in Kabul. e. The court often felony cases. f. I usually in a restaurant on Saturday. g. They never television in the evening. 
3. Underline the adverbs of frequency in the sentences below. Then rewrite the sentence in the simple present tense with a different frequency adverb. Example: I am going to Mazar-e-Sharif tomorrow. I go to Mazar-e-Sharif every New Year. 1. We are returning home next week. 2. Hamid is reading the court transactions right now. 3. I am returning home tomorrow. 4. She is defending the accused in court next month. 
2. Underline the correct form of the verb for each of the following sentences: 1. Right now, Abdul (plays/ is playing) football in the park. 2. While I wait, the judge (makes/is making) his decision. 3. (You take/ are you taking the case? 4. (They are not reading/ They not read) their notes. 5. I usually (prosecute/am prosecuting) felony cases. 6. They always (drive, are driving) their car to the Stage. 7. Farima (works, is working) every night. 8. Mojib (works, is working) on his homework tonight. 9. (You work, Are you working) on the case?
Exercises 1. Fill in the blanks with the simple present form of the verbs listed above. (read, study, drive, eat, prosecute, work, practice, watch) Example: I read the newspaper every day. a. You frequently your car to the court on Thursdays. b. We _law together every evening. c. They always legal cases in the provincial courts. d. We _law in Kabul. e. The court often felony cases. f. I usually in a restaurant on Saturday. g. They never television in the evening. 
3. Underline the adverbs of frequency in the sentences below. Then rewrite the sentence in the simple present tense with a different frequency adverb. Example: I am going to Mazar-e-Sharif tomorrow. I go to Mazar-e-Sharif every New Year. 1. We are returning home next week. 2. Hamid is reading the court transactions right now. 3. I am returning home tomorrow. 4. She is defending the accused in court next month. 
2. Underline the correct form of the verb for each of the following sentences: 1. Right now, Abdul (plays/ is playing) football in the park. 2. While I wait, the judge (makes/is making) his decision. 3. (You take/ are you taking the case? 4. (They are not reading/ They not read) their notes. 5. I usually (prosecute/am prosecuting) felony cases. 6. They always (drive, are driving) their car to the Stage. 7. Farima (works, is working) every night. 8. Mojib (works, is working) on his homework tonight. 9. (You work, Are you working) on the case?
Exercises 1. Fill in the blanks with the simple present form of the verbs listed above. (read, study, drive, eat, prosecute, work, practice, watch) Example: I read the newspaper every day. a. You frequently your car to the court on Thursdays. b. We _law together every evening. c. They always legal cases in the provincial courts. d. We _law in Kabul. e. The court often felony cases. f. I usually in a restaurant on Saturday. g. They never television in the evening. 
3. Underline the adverbs of frequency in the sentences below. Then rewrite the sentence in the simple present tense with a different frequency adverb. Example: I am going to Mazar-e-Sharif tomorrow. I go to Mazar-e-Sharif every New Year. 1. We are returning home next week. 2. Hamid is reading the court transactions right now. 3. I am returning home tomorrow. 4. She is defending the accused in court next month. 
2. Underline the correct form of the verb for each of the following sentences: 1. Right now, Abdul (plays/ is playing) football in the park. 2. While I wait, the judge (makes/is making) his decision. 3. (You take/ are you taking the case? 4. (They are not reading/ They not read) their notes. 5. I usually (prosecute/am prosecuting) felony cases. 6. They always (drive, are driving) their car to the Stage. 7. Farima (works, is working) every night. 8. Mojib (works, is working) on his homework tonight. 9. (You work, Are you working) on the case?
3 tahun yang lalu
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Marlin Agustina Marpaung
Rockstar Teacher GURU SMA
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