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Student XII IPS
Doctors have started to study causes of a medical disorder which that have appropri- ately named SAD, or seasonal affective disor- der. People who suffer from SAD become very — (56) — during the winter month. Their depression appears to be the result of a decrease in the amount of sunlight they are exposed to. Doctors theorize that decreased sunlight affect the _(57)_ of melationin, a hormone manufacture in the brain, and se- rotin, a chemical that helps transmit nerve impulses. Depression may result from the ensuing imbalance of these two body_(58) _, doctor believe that a decrease in the amount of sunlight the body receive my cause a _(59)_ in the body's natural clock, which could, in turn, result in symptoms such as listlessness, oversleeping, weigh gain, anxiety, and irritability all symptoms of de- pression. _(60)_ absence of light seems to be the cause of this disorder , a daily dose of light appears to be the cure. Doctors advise patients to sit in front of a special light which simulates natural light for a few hours every day. 56. .... (A) depressed (B) clear (C) doubtful (D) mad (E) anxious
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Zalfa L. Humaira
Rockstar Teacher UMUM
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